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Blood Pressure Monitors

High blood pressure is a silent killer, you normally do not know its high until it is extremely high, which is extremely dangerous and highly likely to lead to a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm and kidney damage.

You can monitor your blood pressure at home easily now days with blood pressure monitors, they come in basic models or very sophisticated.

The goal is a blood pressure of 120/80, it may be lower for certain medical conditions.

If it is over 140/90 we need to monitor it and if it is constantly in this area over a few days we need to seek medical attention. (sooner if family history of heart attack, stroke, aneurysm and kidney damage)

If it is over 160/100 we need to seek medical attention ASAP.

Ways to reduce blood pressure without the use of medication are:

Regular exercise, Lose weight, Limit salt intake, Stop smoking, Limit alcohol, Reduce stress and reduce caffeine.




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Sunday:  Unavailable
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